Monday, 23 February 2015

Power Smoothie Bowl

The weather was so beautiful yesterday, that I decided to meet my friend in town. We first went for a walk down to the port. After that we ate some lunch in a really nice cafe. Then we walked down the street and we saw that there was an open art gallery, so we looked at some really nice art. The artist painted paintings that had a hidden face somewhere in the painting. Later we worked out, we ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes and after that we did some yoga. Afterwards a friend invited us to join a movie night, we watched some really funny movies. Overall it was a really nice day.
I had a cold last week and this smoothie bowl definitely helped me getting better. It provides many important vitamins, that I really needed to get better. It is super easy to make and you don't have to stand hours in the kitchen.

Ingredients (1 bowl):

  • 1 cup frozen mango 
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple   
  • 1 handful baby spinach 
  • 1/2 kiwi
  • 1/2 cup almond milk 
  • 1 tsp honey 
  • 1/2 frozen blueberries 
  • 1/2 banana 


  • handful granola 
  • 1/2 kiwi 
  • 1/2 banana 
  • frozen blueberries 

Put all the ingredients in a mixer until it is smooth. Fill the smoothie in a bowl and cut the banana and the kiwi in thin slices. Put the kiwi, banana, granola and the blueberries on top of the smoothie.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Avocado on pumpernickel

Last week when we worked out, one of my friends showed us a video from a women that creates workouts and posts them on youtube. We tried a 6 minute workout and it was really effective, because the next day my mussels where very stiff, but it was worth it! She showed everything and explained it very clear. If you want to try some of her workouts, you can find her on youtube under Blogilates.

I really enjoy eating this not only because it is super healthy, but also because it is very delicious!

Ingredients (For 10 slices):
  • 1 small avocado 
  • 10 slices pumpernickel 
  • 3 small tomatoes 
  • salt & pepper 

Start with smashing the avocado until it is a smooth paste. Cut the tomatoes and the pumpernickel into thin slices. Spread the avocado evenly over all the pumpernickel. Put the tomatoes on top and sprinkle some salt and pepper over it. 

Sunday, 1 February 2015


Motivation is very important for me, because I get very fast unmotivated when something is not like it's supposed to be. To stay motivated I printed some very motivational quotes out and put them all over my room.
One quote that motivated me a lot is:

A few weeks ago I recently started thinking about whether or not I am happy with my daily life. I then came to the conclusion that I should change something about it. This weekend I started redesigning my room. I will start woking out more and to concentrate on school. I think that I should improve my planning skills, because for the last few weeks I have been doing everything last minute, but it was because I haven't been motivated at all to change something. As I was thinking about what I could do to get motivated, I thought to myself, what better way than waking up everyday to these motivational quotes. Now I wake up every morning with a burning desire to do something with my day.

Last week I went with a friend to the fitness club and we set ourselves one goal. The goal was to train biking for half a year and at the end of that year we wanted to be able to bike for 30 minutes. The first time we started biking I was exhausted after 10 minutes. The second time we went to the gym to bike was two days after that. We started biking and this time we listed to music. This music motivated us so much, that we both continuously biked for 30 minutes, non stop. We were so exited, that we changed our goal to 1 hour. We will start working out, five times a week, with two times only biking. I will make my own playlist for woking out, so if you would like to listen to it, I will put the link on my twitter and Instagram account in a few days.

So overall I believe that motivation is a very important part of everyones daily life.


Sunday, 25 January 2015

Frozen Spinach Strawberry Smoothie

This weekend I had a lot of fun. My friend came over to my house and she sleepover for two days. We went to a birthday party where we ate pizza and played some games, I think we all enjoyed it a lot. On Saturday morning we were super hungry, but we didn't really know what to eat, so we grabbed some vegetables and fruits to make this smoothie and it turned out really delicious.
You can drink this smoothie at any time, because it is so easy and fast to make, you can have it for breakfast as a great start for your day, a snack when you are lousing on a couch reading or watching tv or even after or before working out, because it will provide you lots of energy.

Ingrediens(2 serves):
-2 bananas 
-2 handfuls baby spinach 
-1 handful frozen strawberries 
-1 cup almond milk 

Blend all the ingredients in a blender until its a smooth drink. You can put some baby spinach and frozen fruits on top of the smoothie, as a decoration.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

10 Tips For Vegetarians

Although Vegetarian diets can be difficult at times, with these helpful tips you won't have to worry anymore. As long as you eat the right amount of proteins, minerals, vitamins and secondary plant products you are good!

  1. Dink enough water.  Water is the most important thing to take care of, even if you are not a vegetarian. You should drink about 1-2 liters water or other clear fluids a day.
  2. Build meals around protein sources. Protein sources that are naturally low in fat, like beans, lentils, peas, egg white and rice. 
  3. Eat enough proteins. Milk products, eggs and soya products are good sources for proteins. You should eat 1-2 legumes meals a week and 50-150g protein products a day.
  4. Vegetables are a good source for vitamins, minerals, secondary plant products and fiber. About 400g vegetables will cover the daily requirement.
  5. Vitamin B12. It can not become a problem for you, if you eat enough milk, cheese and eggs. 
  6. Iron.  You can easily manage to eat enough iron. There are many vegetarian products that contain iron, like soybeans, lentils, spinach and tofu.
  7. Eat colorful. Try to eat a big variety of fruits and vegetables. When you don't enjoy eating them either make delicious smoothies or yogurts out of them or set yourself small goals, like eating every morning one banana.
  8. Grain and potatoes. To cover your daily requirements you should eat 2-3 meals that include either grain or potatoes a day.
  9. Do enough sport. The average is to exercise 30 minutes each day. It will make you feel a lot better. Your sleep quality will increase too. 
  10. Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds will give you the right amount of proteins. They also contain vitamins, roughage, minerals and secondary plant products.

If you have more useful tips, feel free to write a comment. 

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Salad With Baked Potatoes

Since I have been quit sick for past weeks, I haven't had to much of an appetite for anything. So when I started to get bit hungry, I thought to myself, a salad would be the perfect thing to eat. This salad isn't only really enjoyable,  but it also has lots of vitamins in it. I especially like this salad with backed potatoes, because it ties really well together.

Ingredients (for 2 people):

Baked potatoes:

  • 4-5 medium potatoes
  • Provençal herbs
  • salt & pepper 
  • olive oil 


  • Salad 
  • one red pepper
  • tomatoes 
  • cucumber 
  • mushrooms (optional)
  • boiled egg (optional)
  • olive oil

1. Cut and peel the potatoes. Boil the potatoes for 5-10 minutes (until they are not too soft and not too hard).
2. Put the potatoes on a baking plate and brush olive oil on the them. Then sprinkle some Provençal herbs, salt and pepper on them.
3. Put the potatoes in the oven for about 10 minutes.

4. Start with washing the salad, tomatoes, cucumber and the red pepper. Cut all the ingredients in little pieces and put them in a bowl. Pour some olive oil over it.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Swiss Roesti With Green Bean Salad

First of all I hope all of you had a nice christmas celebration!
This following recipe is one of my favorites. It is very easy to make and it tastes delicious!

Green Bean salad:
  • 360g green beans 
  • olive oil 
  • a little bit vinegar or lemon juice 
  • salt and pepper 
  • one onion 
  • 1-2 garlic cloves 

Swiss roesti:
  • 450 g big potatoes 
  • 25g butter 
  • salt and pepper 

Green bean salad:
Cook the beans in salt water for about 20 minutes, they should not be to soft. For the sauce take some olive oil and mix it with a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice. Cut the onion in little cubs and mix it with the olive oil and vinegar. Take the garlic gloves and chop it into small pieces.

Swiss roesti:
Peal the potatoes and put them into boiling water for 10 minutes. Let them cool down. By little heat,  put the butter in a pan. Potatoes with a grater rasp coarse over the pan. Fry from both sides until its brown.